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5 Easy DIY Home Organization Ideas

5 Easy DIY Home Organization Ideas

Even when you’re pressed for time, there are many ways to streamline and organize your home without a lot of effort. Keep your home looking beautiful and spend more time doing what you love with these easy household DIY organization hacks!

1. Create an elegant and organized closet in an instant.

If your closets are driving you crazy, you can use a simple three-step method and some easy decor solutions to get them tidy again. Begin by getting three boxes — one for items to toss, one for items to donate, and one for items to keep. Sort all the items into a designated box, and you’ll be left with just the items you love. Organize accessories or odds and ends into decorative cloth bins or stylish baskets for functional home decor. For kids, consider using color-coded bins to help organize items, such as hats, gloves, or belts. For open closets, create an elegant look by adding neutral-colored curtains to create a softer, more stylish look.

2. Organize kitchen prep and cooking stations.

For busy parents, organizing the kitchen can help make everything from packing kids’ lunches to making gourmet dinners even easier. Designate an area (such as a large cupboard or set of kitchen drawers) to use as a lunch station, and stock it with items like dry snacks, sandwich bags or bento containers, and thermoses. Keep a small cutting board and knife in the area to prep fruits and vegetables quickly for lunch snacks.

Use a rolling cart with drawers to organize items together for different meals; if your family loves homemade sushi rolls, for example, place the rice cooker, rolling mat, and rice wine vinegar together. Items like the tortilla press, fajita pan, and favorite southwest seasonings can be stored together for an easy taco or fajita night. Designate a baking center and group items like mixing bowls, baking staples, and measuring cups and spoons for easy desserts and treats.

3. Set up a family game center in a spare room.

If you have extra shelves or closet space in a spare room, you can create a fun family game center on the weekend. Clear out any other items if needed, then organize the games by type or theme. Place board games on shelves, and use rolling storage drawers or decorative bins for smaller items like card and dice games. Keep a stash of pens and pencils in the game area to keep score or for games that involve writing. Clear out an area for a card table and chairs and oversized cushions with fun cushion covers. You can even go all out by using vintage game boards as home decor and keeping a tote with the family’s favorite snacks and a mini-fridge for drinks in the game room.

4. Organize the kids’ rooms using hooks.

Removable wall hooks make organizing kids' rooms fun and easy. Make good use of wall space and free up drawers and shelving by hanging everyday items. For example, a wall in the back of a child’s closet may have space for hanging backpacks or hats. Small stuffed animals look cute and decorative (as well as organized) when hung in a designated area of the room. Designate one wall as the award wall for any medals, ribbons, or achievement certificates a child has earned. You can also use them for robes, dress-up clothes, and totes for items like small toys or library books.

5. Make a breezy bedroom oasis with simple tricks.

Your bedroom is supposed to be a stress-free oasis, but life can take its toll. Make your bedroom a relaxing place to get away from it all with the organization and special home decor touches. Store occasionally used items, like extra bedding or seasonal items, in pretty storage ottomans or benches. Pick up nightstands that have storage drawers or closed cupboards to keep everyday items tidy and stowed away. Add wireless charging stations to cut down on cord clutter, and use under-bed storage to keep the bedroom clutter-free. Add plush rugs, cozy new sheets and bedding, scented candles, and restful blackout curtains to complete your newly organized bedroom, and get ready to relax!

Be organized in style!

Quick organization projects can leave your home looking stylish and streamlined so you can focus on what matters most. Keep it simple with fast projects you can do on a weekend to maximize time with family!


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